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Advantages of solar energy

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Now, there is a lot of awareness around the world about solar energy and the ways we can use it to protect the environment. In addition to using renewable solar power in our houses, it also has many advantages. Here are 5 main advantages in which you should consider using renewable solar energy.

Solar energy is FREE for everyone as long as the sun shines in the sky. No company can bottle sunshine and sell it. Therefore, why not use something completely free, which can not only help you save the environment, but also generate an unlimited amount of electricity. Of course, manufacturing solar panels to convert the energy of the sun into electrical energy involves costs. However, once these solar panels are installed, you do not need to invest anymore, and the energy they will generate will not cost you a penny!

Solar energy is environmentally friendly: this form of energy is green because it is sustainable. Unlike burning fossil fuels, the energy of the sun does not cause pollution. In turn, this means that by using the energy of the sun, you are actually reducing your carbon footprint.

It can save you money: by using solar power, you can save money. This is because you don’t have to rely on the monthly electricity bill. You rely on the sun and solar energy can be used freely. This energy can be stored and used when needed.

It can make money: if the electricity produced by your solar panels can be used for your house, then you can make money by selling it back. Several plans have been implemented across the country to make people aware of this green technology and encourage them to become environmentally friendly. 

It is cheap to install: There are many manuals in the internet put together by experienced people. These are available at reasonable rates and show how to build solar panels cost-effectively. The solar panels could cost you just a few hundred dollars, especially if you build the system yourself.  You can forget about them and enjoy free electricity for years to come.

Overall, when you install solar panels you can relax learning that you are saving lots of money and also protecting the environment.